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Responsible gambling

How to Spot when Gambling is an Issue

According to research by the National Council on Problem Gaming in the US, approximately 1 percent of American adults are defined at “pathological gamblers.” On top of this, a further 2-3 percent of people have “less serious but still significant problems” according to a paper published by Harvard Medical School.

Across the US, this means around 15 million either suffer from or are at risk of developing gambling addiction problems during their lifetime. Compared to the 322 million people estimated to be living in the US, that figure doesn’t seem that high. However, like any social vice, gambling addiction is a problem regardless of how small it may be.

To fulfill our duty as a responsible online gaming expert, we want you to recognize the common signs of gambling addiction. In order for us to help you, you need to help yourself and that requires an understanding of gambling addiction’s common signs.

Using Harvard Medical School’s definition as a base, “pathological gambling” is:

  • Preoccupation with past, present, and future gambling experiences and with ways to obtain money for gambling.
  • Need to increase the amount of wagers.
  • Repeated unsuccessful efforts to cut back or stop.
  • Becoming restless or irritable when trying to cut back or stop.
  • Gambling to escape from everyday problems or to relieve feelings of helplessness, anxiety, or depression.
  • Trying to recoup immediately after losing money (chasing losses).
  • Lying about gambling.
  • Committing illegal acts to finance gambling.
  • Losing or jeopardizing a personal relationship, job, or career opportunity because of gambling.
  • Requesting gifts or loans to pay gambling debts.

What conclusions can be drawn from these points? In essence, problem gambling is a desire to control something that’s uncontrollable. Through a lack of understanding about the nature of gambling (i.e. how luck swings both ways, but always evens out) and an addictive personality, people become fixated on “beating the house.”

Losing and losing becomes the source of disappointment, anger and adrenaline. This cocktail of emotions is the reason why problem gambling occurs. We realize that gambling is an emotional activity, however, when someone is so invested in the games that they lose sight of reality then it becomes an issue. Therefore, if you notice yourself, or someone you know, becoming too emotionally invested in a game, then take note because it could be the start of a problem.

Final Thoughts on Problem Gambling

Compulsive gambling benefits no one, not even an online gaming website. The key to controlling compulsive gambling is through education and support from friends and family members.While the majority of people do gamble within their means, for some it can spiral out of control. In order to help you keep control, we would like our visitors to remember the following.

Gambling should be seen as entertainment and not as a means of making money. It is best to look at gambling as spending on entertainment, and do not chase your losses.

Problem Gambling Resources

As well as helping yourself, there is also a host of professional resources out there to help problem gamblers. If you’re based in the US and think you need some help, check out the following links and only once you feel confident that you can gamble responsibly, should you ante-up online.

US Organizations:

National Council on Problem Gambling:

Harvard Medical School:

North American Training Institute:

North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries:

Other organizations:

Gamblers Anonymous International
Perhaps the most famous international help organization.

The UK’s top responsible gambling body.

Responsible Gambling Council
Based in Canada, with many responsible gambling resources available.